Some Example Sculptures

Diary of an Italian Artist in India
In a true performance, Italian artist Simona Bocchi immerses herself for more than a decade in an existential journey on the India sub continent.
During her long stay in India she explores new external landscapes that remodel her own interior landscape through her practice of conscious attention, and she offers herself to the reader as a companion for an extraordinary introspective journey. Simona empties sculptural material to refill it with the ether of her deep yearning for understanding by exploration. She sculpts,casts in bronze, stitches and paints, willingly embracing teachingsfrom the unknown and living the whole creative journey as a longmeditation, in full acceptance of the here and now and without any preconceptions.
It was a hard task for a disruptive and rebellious young artist like Simona, an emancipated woman and a Westerner. It tested her willingness to immerse herself in a country characterised by a strict regime of behaviour, caste hierarchy and fierce chauvinism that contradicted her way of being. However, this encounter and clash of opposing worlds has rewarded her with a deep reflection on her values and a heightened awareness.
Simona found answers to many of life’s questions on her journey and shares them in ‘Synchrony of Opposites’.
From ART BRUT to ART Therapy.
The Italian artist Simona Bocchi concluded her training in sculpture at the Academy of Fine Arts in Carrara with her thesis in art therapy. Her interest in Rudolf Steiner’s studies became an important element for her experience with Achille De Gregorio, srt therapist and founder of Artea, a postgraduate Italian school in art therapy based in Milan. This experience made art become a tool of prevention and care for Simona to share and consequently accompanied her in a ten-year stay in India integrating the Maria Montessori method of observation. India gave her much from the existential and artistic point of view, as well as the opportunity to continue practicing the approach of art therapy with local kids and teenagers, through specific ateliers. This opportunity allowed her to study, analyze and compare the work done in Italy with the one in India, thus completing that artistic, cultural and anthropological research that has always been the motivation of her travels far from her native country. In 2010, Simona held conferences and led an art-therapy seminar for a period of one week at Hyderabad during the event “Science and spiritual heritage of India”.
These days Simona enjoys sharing Indian and Italian cultural exchange by hosting Buddhist monks at spiritual centers all around Italy. With her strong background in art shining through she also naturally pulls children of all ages to art therapy. In her rare free time she bakes bread and shares her fine Italian cooking with family and friends.

About Me
Thanks to My Family and Friends

A Little Intro
Sculpture is the only order I have ever known.
In the making of the sculpture, I can find balance, harmony and also intensity.
This provides a necessary silence.
I let my forms explore some instances of communication.
My Exhibitions
Between 1996 and 2006 she lived and worked in the Italian capitals of sculpture: Carrara, Pietrasanta and Verona, famous for their marble caves and for their bronze foundries. In this period she further enhanced and refined her knowledge of materials and techniques, from the famous Carrara Marble, to bronze and jute, which are all used in her works of art.